90% less Chemicals
60 %  less water
70 % less energy

Conventional dyeing of cotton usually requires at least a pound of salt for every pound of cotton dyed.
Dyes actually do not like to be in cotton fibers. Salt is used to attract the dye onto the cotton.  Even with the salt, as much as
40%  of the dye remains in the water used in dyeing cotton.This wasted dye ends up going down the drain to a waste treatment plant.
Dyes with the best wash fastness also require alkalis such as sodium hydroxide (lye) to enable the attachment of the dye to the cotton.
Different types of dyes used on cotton requires different dyeing temperatures.  The usual minimum temperature of the dye bath is
140 degrees but dyeing temperatures of  212 degrees Fahrenheit are common. After dyeing, unattached dye must be rinsed off the fiber. 
Rinses sometime will not remove all the unattached dye and a hot scour with detergent must follow the dyeing to remove unattached
dye.   To achieve the wash fastness required, most colors require a chemical aftertreatment in a hot bath to improve the wash fastness.
All of this requires more water and more chemicals and more energy to heat the water.

Cottina can be dyed at 100 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit with no salt and no alkali  still using the conventional cotton dyes.
Almost 100% of the dye goes on the cotton fiber where is stays. Dark shades require half the dye to achieve the same shade. 
Multiple hot rinses and scours are not needed.   The wash fastness is exceptional and no aftertreatments are required. 

Decreases in chemical, water, and energy savings varies according to
dyes, colors and equipment but conservative savings estimates are:

That's why Cottina is Eco Friendly !


Why is Cottina Cotton Eco-Friendly?